Grassy Pavers
Grassy pavers are used as an alternative to traditional paving methods.
Progressive ecological thinking has finally established itself for applications that have traditionally used solid paving.
GRASSY PAVERS™ are leading the change towards the future of paving. They harmoniously blend your architecture into the landscape in an attractive, functional and environmentally responsible way
GRASSY PAVERS™ provide simple answers to the complicated problems associated with supplying functional areas, while maintaining green space and dealing with storm water management compliance. The porosity of the pavers eliminates the need for retention ponds, drainage systems and other expensive means of dealing with runoff always associated with solid paving.
GRASSY PAVERS™ are environmentally friendly. They are made from recycled plastic and allow the drainage of storm water back into the underground soil rather than into storm drains. This helps keep your property hydrated and reduces runoff into local sewer systems.
GRASSY PAVERS™ provides the strength of pavement with the natural beauty of grass while simultaneously eliminating soil compaction, reducing reflective heat and allowing for all weather accessibility at a very cost effective price. We are the environmental alternative!